Center Talks

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Introduction to the European Social Survey

Assoc. Prof. Mathew Creighton - University College Dublin, School of Sociology


Dr. Creighton is an associate professor of sociology at the School of Sociology at the UCD, and holds a doctoral degree in Sociology and Demography from UPenn. He is the Director of Research for School of Sociology and the masters program in Spatial Demography. He is also the National Coordinator for the European Social Survey. In his own words, he is “an unapologetic, serial collaborator who is dedicated to interdisciplinary perspectives”. His new book Xenophobe: Masked Intolerance in the Age of Migration is under contract at the Columbia University Press.


Date: July 19, 2022

Time: 18:00

Location: ZOOM


You can watch the event on the YouTube channel:


19.07.2022 - Mathew Creighton 2.png (384 KB)

19.07.2022 - Mathew Creighton 1.png (344 KB)

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