Aysan, M. F. (2022). Population and Society in Turkey. Istanbul: Yeditepe Press. ISBN: 978-625-8260-00-7.
Aysan, M. F., Güneş, Ö. (2022). Covid-19 pandemisi sürecinde kurumsal yaşlı bakımı: İstanbul örneği. A. Erkilet, Z. K. Şerefoğlu Danış, Z. Can Kaya (Eds.), in Pandemi ve kadın (pp. 283-313). Otto Press. ISBN:978-605- 74057-4-6.
Aysan, M. F. (2022). Demography. In Social sciences encyclopedia. (pp. 275). Tübitak Press. ISBN: 978-605-312-431-3.
Kılavuz, M. T. (2022). Arap Baharı’nda seküler hareketler ve rejim değişimi. M. Özcan, M. H. Mercan (Ed.), Arap ayaklanmalarını yeniden düşünmek içinde. Küre Press.
Kılavuz, M. T. (2022). Otoriter rejimler. M. Balcı (Ed.), in Çağdaş siyasal sistemler. Nobel Yayınları.
Kılavuz, M. T. (2022). Orta Doğu’da siyasal rejimler. T. Eğri, M. H. Mercan (Ed.), in Orta Doğu ekonomi politiği içinde. İktisat Press.
Nişancı, Z. (2022). Immigration, religion, and civic engagement. R. Ramji, A. Marshal (Ed.), in The Bloomsbury handbook of religion and migration (Bloomsbury handbooks) (pp.195-214). Bloomsbury Publishing.
Nişancı, Z., Aydın, A. B., Özer, N. (2022). Türkiye’de gençlik ve dinin önemi. Z. Nişancı, A. Özdinç (Eds.), in Türkiye’nin gençleri 2: ileri analizler (pp. 6-28). Palet Press.
Akbulut, Y., Nişancı, A. A., Sağlam, H. (2022). Kim daha mutlu (2.0)? Yeni bulgular ışığında gençlerin mutluluk seviyelerini etkileyen faktörler. Z. Nişancı, A. Özdinç (Eds.), in Türkiye’nin gençleri 2: ileri analizler. Palet Press. ISBN:978-625-8414-58-5.
Yetiş-Bayraktar, A. (2022). Saatin söyledikleri: Türkiye’de ailede iş bölümü ve iş-yaşam dengesi. A. Erkilet, Z. K. Şerefoğlu Danış, Z. Can Kaya (Ed.), in Pandemi ve kadın (pp. 357-386). Otto Press. ISBN:978-605- 74057-4-6.
Aysan, M. F. (2020). Social policies in the future of Turkey. Istanbul: Ilke Press. ISBN: 978-625-44342-1-1 1(Originally Published in Turkish)
Aysan, M. F. & Paluoglu M. F. (2020). Health diplomacy. A. R. Usul & I. Yaylaci (Eds.), in Changing diplomacy and Turkey: actors, fields, tools (pp. 259-286). Istanbul: Küre Press. (Originally Published in Turkish)
Aysan, M. F. (2020). Access to social protection by immigrants, emigrants and resident nationals in Turkey. J. M. Lafleur & D. Vintila (Eds.), in Migration and social protection in Europe and beyond (Vol. 3., pp. 389-400). Cham: Springer.
Aysan, M. F. (2020) Rethinking the welfare state as we know: social policies in COVID-19 pandemic and the post-pandemic period. M. Seker, A. Özer & C. Korkut (Eds.), in Reflections on the pandemic in the future of the world (pp. 669-687). Ankara: Turkish Academy of Sciences.
Kılavuz, M. T. (2020). The Establishment and success of Islamist parties. F. Cavatorta, L. Storm & V. Resta (Eds.), in Routledge Handbook on political parties in the Middle East and North Africa (pp. 33-43). London/New York: Routledge.
Kılavuz, M. T. (2020). Liberal thought in Egypt. L. Sunar (Ed.), in Contemporary thought in Muslim world (Vol. 2., pp. 239-261). Ankara: Presidency of Turks Abroad and Related Communities. (Originally Published in Turkish)
Şentürk, M., Çolak, Y., Aysan, M. F., Başpınar, A., Ceylan, H., Yaman, O. M., & Tuna, A. S. (2018). Sociological masterplan preparation guide for local governments. Istanbul: Esenler Municipality Press. (Originally Published in Turkish)
Aysan, M. F. (2018). Between risks and opportunities: social policies in contemporary Turkey. A. F. Aysan, H. Karahan & N. Gur (Eds.), in Turkish economy: between middle income trap and high income (pp. 101-120). Palgrave.
Aysan, M. F. (2017). Welfare and social security in Turkey. I. Tufan & M. Durak (Eds.), in Gerontology: extent, interdisciplinary cooperation, economy and politics (Vol. 1, pp. 387-407). Istanbul: Nobel
Aysan, M. F. (2015). Demographic transformations in Turkey and new challenges. L. Sunar (Ed.), in Social change in Turkey (pp. 67-88). Istanbul: Nobel. (Originally Published in Turkish)
Aysan, M. F. (2013). New approaches to social policy and local governments. M. Şenturk & O. M. Yaman (Eds.), in Urbanization and social policies (pp. 17-43). Istanbul: Şehir Düşünce Merkezi, Şehir Press. (Originally Published in Turkish)
Aysan, M. F. (2012). Globalization, “crises” and welfare state. N. Ardıç & S. A. Özcan (Eds.), in Global transformations, globalization, mentality, politics (pp. 107-128). Istanbul: Küre Press. (Originally Published in Turkish)
Aysan, M. F. (2011). Pension regimes, gender, and generational inequalities: the persistence of institutional differences in ageing postindustrial democracies. P. V. A. Goerres (Ed.), in Aging populations in post industrial democracies comparative studies of policies and politics (pp. 106-126). New York: Routledge. ISBN 9781138803473
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