Project Title: Tradeoffs Between Religion and Democracy: Survey Evidence from the Muslim World Supporting Institution: Kellogg Institute of International Affairs, University of Notre Dame Researchers: Michael Hoffman, Muhammet Tahir Kılavuz, Nathanael G. Sumaktoyo
Project Title: Family in the Welfare State Link: Supporting Institution: TÜBA The Young Scientists Award Programme Principle Investigator: Mehmet Fatih Aysan Year: 2020-2022 This project examines the social policies implemented for the changing family in Turkey and the world. Welfare state applications for changing families will be examined through institutional statistics and open access resources in different welfare states. Project objectives can be summarized under two headings. First of all, social policy applications for the needs of changing families will be examined. Second, the role of the family in the distribution of welfare will be analyzed.
Project Title: Türkiye Child Research Supporting Institution: Ministry of Family and Social Services Date: 30 June-18 August 2022 Under the coordination of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, "Türkiye Child Research" was carried out in İstanbul and Şanlıurfa between 30 June-7 July 2022. Within the scope of the research, it is aimed to reveal the child profile of Türkiye with questions to determine the conditions of 0-18 age group children in education, health, housing, environment, culture, and many similar fields. The aim is to use the data obtained from the research to develop policies and services for children.
Project Title: Migration and Social Policies in Turkey and the UK Supporting Institution: British Council-Research Environment Links Principle Invesitigator: Mehmet Fatih Aysan & Ayşe Güveli Year: 2020-2021 This project aims to bring together research groups to develop long-term strategic research collaborations in the domains of migration and social policies. The workshops, field trips, and lectures proposed in the project will promote the international exchange of knowledge and experiences around novel approaches, strategies, and methods in the adaptation and integration of immigrants and their well-being in Turkey and the UK. It also intends to train graduate students and early career scholars to publish and disseminate their academic findings in leading international scientific journals. It also aims to improve partner countries’ social welfare and economic development.
Project Title: Refugee Emergency: Defining and Implementing Novel Evidence-based psychosocial interventions (RE-DEFINE) Link: Supporting Institution: European Union (Horizon 2020) – World Health Organization (WHO) Principle Invesitigator: Zübeyir Nişancı Year: 2019-2020 This project analyzes the roles of four main welfare institutions—namely the state, the family, the market, and the local actors in the distribution of welfare shaped by the intersections of age, class, gender, and ethnicity relations in Turkey. This study depends on mixed data collection methods. The distribution of welfare by different institutions and the perceptions of citizens about social policies were examined through 6 focus-groups and 84 semi-structured interviews between May 2015 and April 2016. The roles of the welfare institutions on welfare distribution were analyzed through advanced statistical methods by conducting a survey with 1630 people from all over the country.
Project Title: Do Tolerance and Pragmatism Have a Price? Supporting Institution: Global Religion Research Initiative Principle Invesitigator: Muhammet Tahir Kılavuz Year: 2017-2020 This project covers multiple issues that are about religion and politics. The core of the project focuses on citizens’ responses toward a policy trade-off between religious ideals and economic pragmatism. The rest of the project looked at issues such as corruption, support for democracy, and support for Islamist policies through multiple surveys in Tunisia, Egypt, and Morocco and produced multiple manuscripts.
Project Title: Institutions and Individuals in the Distribution of Welfare in Europe Link: Supporting Institution: EU 7th Framework Programme Marie Curie Actions Career Integration Grant Principle Investigator: Mehmet Fatih Aysan Year: 2013-2017 This project aims to develop a new approach in welfare state studies using new conceptualization and state-of-the-art statistical techniques. The roles of four main welfare institutions-namely the state, the family, the market, and local actors in the distribution of welfare were analyzed by the intersections of age, class, gender, and race relations in Europe. There are three main focuses of this research. First, this project aimed to develop a new approach in welfare state and social policy studies to understand the distribution of welfare that is shaped by the intersections of age, class, gender, and race relations. Second, by comparing different societies, it was aimed to analyze future social, economic, and demographic challenges to welfare regimes, particularly with reference to social inequalities. Third, it re-examined the welfare regime typology and the question of path dependency of welfare policies.
Project Title: Pursuing a Mirage: Authoritarian Persistence and Regime Change in the Arab Middle East and North Africa Supporting Institution: Kellogg Institute of International Affairs, University of Notre Dame Principle Invesitigator: Muhammet Tahir Kılavuz The Arab world constitutes one of the most authoritarian regions in the world. Yet, regime change is not absent in the region. This project aims to understand the causes of the persistence of authoritarianism in the region and explores why democratization is attainable in some cases but not in others. This grant supported 10-month fieldwork in Algeria, Tunisia, and Turkey.
Project Title: Understanding the Welfare Regime of Turkey: Institutions and Individuals Link: Supporting Institution: TÜBİTAK 3501 Principle Investigator: Mehmet Fatih Aysan Year: 2014-2017 This project aims to analyze the roles of four main welfare institutions-namely the state, the family, the market, and local actors in the distribution of welfare shaped by the intersections of age, class, gender, and ethnicity relations in Turkey. This study depends on mixed data collection methods. Having 6 focus groups and 84 semi-structured interviews between May 2015 and April 2016, the distribution of welfare by different institutions and the perception of citizens about social policies were examined. After conducting a survey with 1630 people from all over the country, the roles of the welfare institutions on welfare distribution were analyzed through advanced statistical methods.
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