

Genç Araştırmacılar Sempozyumu

Tarih: 15 Ocak 2025

Saat: 10:00 - 13:00

Yer: İşletme Fakültesi - 5.Kat, Merkez Toplantı Odası 


1. Oturum | 10:00 - 11:30 

The Global Face of Loneliness: Comparative Policies of Combating Social Isolation in the Welfare StatesBelkıs Yüce

Comparing Current Fertility Trends and Policies: the Case of ex-Yugoslavia Countries - Havva Ayyüce Erbaş

Does the Welfare State Kill the Family?Gülşen Yazıcı

Comparative Analysis of Social Policies for the Elderly: Life Satisfaction in Germany, Sweden, and TürkiyeMüberra Aksu

The Impact of the Pandemi on the Welfare State: the Netherlands Example - Burak Kalpaklıoğlu


2. Oturum | 11:40 - 13:00 

Data-Driven Dynamics: Reshaping the Welfare State in the Age of InformationHasan Sadeghian Marian

Who Deserves and Who Does Not? Discussions on Welfare Provisions and Inequalities in Turkey Regarding the Deserving and UndeservingCan Gencer Uçar

Cross-national Study of Welfare Reform StrategiesReyta Akdeniz

European Welfare State and Sustainable Social Policies in TürkiyeDeniz Bassullu

Promoting Female Employment, Fertility and Population Growth Rate: State Policies, Obstacles and Solutions in TurkeyRümeysa Merve Koç


WhatsApp Görsel 2025-01-15 saat 16.39.45_78e86f10.jpg (1.35 MB)

WhatsApp Görsel 2025-01-15 saat 16.39.44_7ef57b4c.jpg (1.37 MB)

Bu sayfa Nüfus ve Sosyal Politikalar Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi tarafından en son 18.01.2025 12:09:01 tarihinde güncellenmiştir.